quarta-feira, 10 de maio de 2017

Can’t skip us. Can’t skip Portugal - Visit Portugal

How many times have you thought that you were simply in the wrong place? How many times you just wished you could pack your bags and leave?
Travelling transforms us. The beauty of arriving in a new place allows us to step back and see life with new eyes. We simply can’t skip freedom. 
Can’t skip us. Can’t skip Portugal.

Quantas vezes sentiu que não estava no lugar certo? Quantas vezes desejou simplesmente fazer as malas e partir? Viajar transforma-nos. A beleza da chegada a um novo lugar permite-nos respirar, recuar e ver a vida com um olhar novo. Não podemos ignorar a liberdade.
Can’t skip us. Can’t skip Portugal.

fonte : https://www.facebook.com/Visitportugal/videos/10155391625306661/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED

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